LW Research & Analysis

Making sense of trends and data

Mission Statement

LW Research & Analysis (LWRAS) expertly analyzes information to identify, quantify and profit from trends in technology.


Founded in 2000, LWRAS transforms data into valuable information. Today's world is awash in data from myriad sources, but without context and timely, accurate analysis, data can be worse than useless. The analyses are based upon and incorporate the best data available and present key knowledge, giving site visitors that critical understanding and insight needed to plan future purchases, create business timelines or choose market alternatives.

LWRAS's analysis places information gleaned from primary and secondary sources in the proper context to critically assess present business conditions and predict future trends.

About the author

Lori Weisenbach Ph.D. owns, writes, and maintains this site.

Lori Weisenbach received her Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from the University of Arizona in 1993 with a minor in optical science. Her dissertation was based on the fabrication and characterization of sol gel thin film waveguides. She worked for two years at Sandia National Labs on various projects, including the development of thin-film zeolite filters for gas separation applications.

Dr. Weisenbach also received a S.M in materials science and engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1989 after completing a study of the thermal conductivity of aluminum nitride. She received a B.S. in materials science and engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1985.

As a research analyst, Dr. Weisenbach authored a number of business opportunity reports covering markets in advanced materials and transportation for BCC Research (BCC) between 1996 until 2016. From 1996 to 2003, she covered the transportation market as both a contributing editor and then editor of the Advanced Transportation Technology News and the Optical Materials and Engineering News, both formerly published by BCC.

Contact the author: editor_at_lwras(dot)com.


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